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The Equinox Celebration Tarot through its simplicity offers varieties of perspectives!

The Keyword is CELEBRATE!

One reading can be helpful, unlimited readings allows for you to return for further readings, which can help to become familiar with the Celebrants (the cards), and also to recognize your personal rhythms as seen through the Celebrants when they appear frequently.

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The Equinox Celebration Tarot is quite likely the only tarot whose images are derived directly from sculpture. The figures are celebrating the Vernal Equinox, observers of the new life of spring, bringing their essential characters in devotion. There are 36 Celebrants, with each having a correlation with 10 degrees of zodiacal longitude, about 10 days. For example, La Danseuse is the first 10 degrees of Aries, from about March 20-30.


The Equinox Celebration Tarot's spread is a three-card reading. Called a Triangle, it consists of a Question Celebrant, and the energies surrounding the circumstance; followed by the Second Position Celebrant, which works for or against the situation. Together these two Celebrants represent the current state, consistent with the static quality of the number two. The Apex Celebrant, the final Celebrant, is placed above the first two, shows the direction, result, or the solution.


Because it is a Triangle, the emphasis is act-centered, two poles and a focal point; the constellation Triangulum, traditionally associated with activity, is its foundation. Through action we gain awareness; our thoughts and feelings are activities. Our spiritual aspirations are flames that motivate us. Even inaction, keeping still, and not thinking are actions.


How and why does it work? Each Celebrant was carved from a single block of African Wonderstone. Their original relationship within that stone was maintained, and as they were being carved, their chronological and organic relationship endured. And as every act contains the signature of the consciousness of each living moment, each Celebrant possesses the moment of its creation and its relationship within the circle of 36 Celebrants.


Do the Celebrants have mythological import? Does life contain the essences of myth? - Not the "unreal," but the vital Magic that flows within our ideas and perceptions. In this way, our experiences are stories that come to us in many forms to be understood and told.

Please note that some smaller devices may need to be refreshed to avoid repetitions of Triangles. It is possible and it can be insightful for there to be repetitions of one or two Celebrants in a Triangle, or even all three Celebrants in different positions. When all three appear in the same position right after the previous one, then the question should be asked again, or your device should be refreshed.


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